Friday, July 21, 2006 2006.1.21
If I just do my thing and you do yours 如果我只做自己的事 你做你自己的事
We stand in danger of losing each others and ourselves 我們就在失去彼此也喪失自我的危險中
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations; 我在這個世界 不是為你的期望而活
But I am in this world to confirm you 我在這個世界是要證明
As a unique human being. 你是個獨特的人
And to be confirmed by you . 也被你證明
We are fully ourselves only in relations to each other; 我們只有在彼此的關係中才是完整的自我
The “I” detached from a “Thou” disintegrates 脫離你的我會瓦解
I do not find you by Chance; 我並非偶然遇見你的
I find you by an active life of reaching out. 而是在積極的向外擴展的生命中找到你的
Rather than passively letting things happen to me, 我不願被動地讓事情降臨於我
I can act intentionally to make them happen 我能帶著意圖行動讓它們發生
I must begin with myself, true; 我必須從我自己開始 這是事實
But I must not end with myself; 但我不能止於自己
The truth begins with two. 真理始於兩個人
波爾斯(Fritz Perls)於1960年代寫了一首著名的詩: